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##2642 Functional profile review  
##2642 Functional profile review  
###A profile is a constraint of the model on which it is based. To be considered conformant, a profile must adhere, according to the normative constraint requirements of the model to the rules of the base model. If a derivation of an existing profile; then a profile must adhere to the normative constraint requirements of the base model and to the existing profile from which the profile is derived. A profile may be more restrictive but not less restrictive than the base model. This puts an obligation on the base model to describe how it can be extended or constrained. Because a profile is created to solve a business need, the profile may include additional functions and criteria that satisfy the business needs of the scope of the profile. A profile is traceable to the model on which it is based and for those functions/criteria which are associated with the base model or profile of which it is derived.
####Why do we have a profile?
####A profile is an expression of a particular implementation based on a model.
####Business context is better than use case.
####How the base model is used to support a particular use case.
####Puts obligation on the BASE model to constrain the derived profiles, and extensions.
####A base model is a standard to which a profile is applied to support business context?
##Review Vitality Process
##Review Vitality Process
##Review Risk Precepts
##Review Risk Precepts

Latest revision as of 22:14, 18 June 2013

ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)


Teleconferences are held on Tuesday at 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Schedules may be found at Conference Call Center

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  • Weekly conference call.
  • For 24/7 customer service please call (844) 844-1322.


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  4. Management
    1. Approve Decision Making Practices (DMP)V4
    2. Approve Mission and Charter
    3. SWOT
    4. Review to-do list
    5. Review/update Arb BAM task list
    6. Report from Architecture Project
  5. Governance
  6. Methodology
    1. 2642 Functional profile review
    2. Review Vitality Process
    3. Review Risk Precepts
  7. Other business and planning
  8. Adjournment

Meeting Information

HL7 ArB Work Group Meeting Minutes

Location: Telcon

Date: 20130618
Time: 5:00pm U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Parker, Ron Note taker(s) Julian, Tony
Attendee Name Affiliation
. Bond,Andy NEHTA
X Constable, Lorraine Constable Consulting Inc.
. Curry, Jane Health Information Strategies
R Dagnall, Bo HP Enterprise Services
X Hufnagel, Steve U.S. Department of Defense, Military Health System
X Julian, Tony Mayo Clinic
. Lynch, Cecil Accenture
X Milosevic, Zoran Deontik Pty Ltd
X Parker, Ron CA Infoway
. Quinn, John Health Level Seven, Inc.
X Stechishin,Andy CANA Software and Service Ltd.
. Guests
. Kreisler, Austin HL7 TSC Chair
. Luthra, Anil NCI
. Pech, Brian Kaiser Permanente
X Shakir, Abdul Malik City of Hope National Medical Center
. Laakso, Lynn HL7
. Legend
X Present
. Absent
R Regrets
Quorum Requirements) Met: (Co-chair + 3) Yes


  1. Approval of Agenda and Minutes(lorraine/Zoran)
    1. Motion to approve (Lorraine/Zoran)
    2. Vote 6-0-0
  2. Management
    1. Approve Decision Making Practices (DMP)V4
      1. Motion to approve Decision Making Practices (DMP)V4(Lorraine/Tony)
      2. Vote 6-0-0
    2. Approve Mission and Charter
      1. Was word smithed, and put on the agenda for next week.
      2. Should ArB have a consumer advocate?
        1. Need consumer of work product
        2. Need consumer of business side.
  3. Methodology
    1. 2642 Functional profile review
      1. A profile is a constraint of the model on which it is based. To be considered conformant, a profile must adhere, according to the normative constraint requirements of the model to the rules of the base model. If a derivation of an existing profile; then a profile must adhere to the normative constraint requirements of the base model and to the existing profile from which the profile is derived. A profile may be more restrictive but not less restrictive than the base model. This puts an obligation on the base model to describe how it can be extended or constrained. Because a profile is created to solve a business need, the profile may include additional functions and criteria that satisfy the business needs of the scope of the profile. A profile is traceable to the model on which it is based and for those functions/criteria which are associated with the base model or profile of which it is derived.
      2. Discussion:
        1. Why do we have a profile?
        2. A profile is an expression of a particular implementation based on a model.
        3. Business context is better than use case.
        4. How the base model is used to support a particular use case.
        5. Puts obligation on the BASE model to constrain the derived profiles, and extensions.
        6. A base model is a standard to which a profile is applied to support business context?
      3. Template:
        1. Should be provided for in the Profile.
        2. Template usually constrains a subset of a model, not an entire model.
        3. Implementation Guide(IG) is a collection of templates.
        4. Templates have reuse - constraining the entire model affects the reuse.
        5. An IG may contain more than a profile or template - may contain other information.
        6. An IG describes how to create instances.
      4. Probably should run by the CGIT WG. AbdulMalik will undertake.
      5. Once CGIT is onboard, we will take to the TSC.
  4. Other business and planning
    1. Next week:
      1. Management
        1. Final approval of Mission and Charter
        2. SWOT
        3. Review to-do list
        4. Review/update Arb BAM task list
        5. Report from Architecture Project
      2. Governance
      3. Methodology
        1. Review of functional profile
  5. Adjournment