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==Tooling WG==
The Tooling Work Group supports the HL7 mission by overseeing the tools that facilitate the development, adoption and use of HL7 standards, according to the requirements of the HL7 Board and membership needs.
The main [ HL7 Tooling Work Group page] has:
*the Tooling Work Group [ Mission and Charter]
*[ list of Co-chairs]
====What we are responsible for====
(description is Work In Process - see [[Tools List discussion]])
Tooling Work Group’s responsibility covers tools developed by and for HL7, as well as those tools that HL7 has fostered the development of either by direct solicitation, or by collaboration with HL7-specific projects outside of the organization. It is expected that the Tooling Work Group will provide a more precise framework and guidelines for licensing future HL7 tools.
:Rene: this excludes any work done by this WG to review, categorize, or recommend the use of any public domain HL7-oriented tools that haven't been created under the (partial) responsibility of HL7 International. I'm not sure that's a wise move: to (e.g.) ignore HAPI/nHAPI when talking about 'HL7 tooling' would be foolish. The group may wish to add specific wording to public domain HL7-specific tools created by third parties.
====How we work:====
(description is Work In Process - see [[Update the Tooling Work Group wiki page]])
====How you can participate: ====
(description is Work In Process)
Requests for new tools should come from a Work Group's Tooling Liaison, if they have one, or from a Work Group's co-chair (if no liaison has been named). <br/>
Requests for new tools should be added to the [[Tooling Requests]] wiki page<br/>
Requests for enhancements to an existing tool should be added to that tool's GForge tracker. The standard GForge project for each tool should have "Bugs", "Support Requests", and "Feature Requests" trackers.
{{:Tooling Liaisons}}
===Agendas and Meetings===
* '''[[Telecon Agendas|Agendas for Teleconferences]]''' that are held every Thursday at 10:00 AM ET
* '''[[Tooling WGM 2011 Sept|Working Agenda for the next WGM ]]'''
** [[Tuesday Tooling Nights]] led by Andy at each WGM
* '''[ Tooling Work Group Minutes]''' are on
* [ HL7 List Services Welcome Center] is the '''HL7 list server''' where you can subscribe to any of the Tooling lists
===Hot Topics===
* [[Tools List discussion]] - [ action item] assigned to Andy - what the Tooling WG is responsible for, a list of [[HL7 Tools]] and links to their documentation,
* [[Update the Tooling Work Group wiki page]]
===Current Projects/Work===
* [[HL7 - Tooling & Electronic Services alignment]] Andy to do a draft proposal for review in San Diego
*Static Model Designer:
**[[OHT - NHS sponsored Static Model Designer]]
**[[Implementing OHT Static Model Designer in HL7]] - essential enhancements needed - on hold pending funding
** [[Preparation for Tooling related Tutorials]] - part of a plan for rolling out the new SMD
* [[MAX - Model Automated eXchange]] - current project
* [[OHT - IHTSDO Workbench]] -  OHT related project that is part of the strategic plan
* [[OHT - HL7 UML Modeling Tools]] ''need a statement of when MDHT tool should be used compared to the new Trifolia tool - invite Bob Dolin to a call and discuss - the Trifolia tool is a short term stop-gap for US template designing specs for ONC - MDHT generates code too
* [[Templates Registry Pilot]] - pilot suspended for lack of funding - current focus is revise the business requirements as informative document
* A variety of tooling documents, including an [ '''excellent overview of HL7 tools'''] are maintained as file releases under the [ Tooling Documentation Project] on the HL7 GForge site.
* [[HL7 Tooling FAQs]]
**To be evaluated as part of the acceptance of Wilfred's new Tooling documentation - Woody maintains the FAQs
* [[Migrate RIM Maintenance to OTS UML Modeling Tool]]
* [[Model Interchange Format]] (MIF) informative publication
* [[:category:XML-MIF Publishing | Project to migrate "Domain" Publishing to MIF2 foundation]]
* [[SubversionFaqs|Subversion FAQs]]
* HL7 - CDA Template requirements package [[]]
====Acquisition and Installation====
* [[Installing and Configuring HL7 Tools]]
** [[Eclipse Tools Installation Instructions]] (for tools users)
====Tool for Publishing and Static Model Design====
*[[Desktop Publication Documentation|Using the Combined Publishing and Generator Tools '''(for Facilitators)''']]
====Other Documentation====
* Source Code for most HL7 Tools is maintained in project-specific Subversion Repositories.  These can be located through the '''''SVN''''' tab on the left side of each project page on the [ HL7 Gforge site].
*[[GForge Site Administration]]
* [[Creating and Using a Document Tab Control on HL7 Wiki]]
===Historical Links===
''links to old project wiki pages (no longer active)''
* [[Tooling Tactical Steps|Tooling Tactical Steps (2010)]]
* [[Tactical Action Items]]
* [[HL7 Project Homebase reorg]]
* Historical info re the HL7 Tooling Collaborative - now superseded by Open Health Tools 
** [[HTC Tools Roadmap]]
** Requirements for the MIF, Repository and Processes [[HTC Requirements]]
* [[OHT Architecture Project Value Proposition Survey]]
* [[Structured Document Template Design Pilot]]
*[[Vocabulary Harmonization Tool]]
[[Category:Technical and Support Services Steering Division]]

Latest revision as of 17:39, 8 September 2011