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NOTE: If you edit the guidance text in this template, be sure to change both the content inside the 'noinclude' tags as well as the content inside the XML comments
NOTE to Template Editor: If you edit the guidance text in this template, be sure to change both the content inside the 'noinclude' tags as well as the content inside the XML comments
[[Category:Volunteer Wanted by HL7 Work Group]]<big>To use this Template:
[[Category:Volunteer Wanted by HL7 Work Group]]<big>To use this Template:

Revision as of 03:15, 17 May 2011

To use this Template:

  1. Search (or Go to) for a page with name like "xxx yyyyyyyy Volunteer Wanted" where
    1. "xxx" is a Work Group Name or acronym (like "MnM" or "Vocabulary") and
    2. "yyyyyyyy" is a functional title like "Data Modeler" or "Project Manager"
      Note: The category will sort by title, and this name structure will sort opportunities by Work Group rather than by function.
  2. Click on the RED link to the (previously) undefined page in order to edit it.
  3. Type {{subst::Template:Volunteer Wanted}} as the only content for the new page.
  4. Preview (if desired) to verify the reference was typed correctly
  5. "Save" the page.
    At this point, the contents of this template (with the following exceptions) will replace the substitution link. The exceptions are:
    • These instructions will not appear.
    • The small blue-font annotations about each entry will be replaced with an <!-- XML Comment --> saying the same thing. These comments are visible while editing, but they do not appear when the Wiki page is previewed or saved.
  6. Re-edit the page to include the appropriate content in each of the sections
  7. Save again
The displayed contents below this line is the outline for a help wanted document.

Return to Help Wanted List

Wanted: <Some functional title>

Functional titles should be descriptive and short.

For: <Full Work Group Name of Work Group Seeking the Volunteer>

Work Group Contact

Indicate the preferred way that an individual who seeks to fill this position can contact the Work Group. This might be an individual with phone and /or email. Contact via the Work Groups list serve may be too "public" for a volunteer to seek more information about an opportunity.

Put text here

Functional Description

What are the duties, responsibilities, functions that the Work Group wishes a volunteer to perform. This should be a paragraph (at most) of description, recognizing that time and schedule commitments as well as particular domain, technical or tool requirements are listed as sub-headings of this description.

Put text here

Time Commitment

In a phrase, what is the time commitment for this volunteer expected to be? Examples might be "1 hour/week"; "three days per trimester"; "one quarter at each WGM", etc.

Put text here

Commitment Schedule

What is the schedule or frequency of the commitment, such as "every other week", "monthly", "week before WGM", etc.

Put text here

Skill Set required or Desired

Use (edit) the following bullet list as a source, or pattern for defining particular skills that the Work Group expects the volunteer to have or desires that the volunteer have. If the skill is desired but not required, add "(desired)" after the skill listing.

  • Domain knowledge of Xyz Domain (Xyz could be a clinical or technical knowledge domain)
  • Technical specialty (examples: Data modeling, terminology binding, editing)
  • Particular tools capability (examples XSLT Transform writing, Wiki Editing, HL7 RMIM Designer, Publication Database, Project insight, Powerpoint, Excel)
    • For tools also include whether you expect the volunteer to be "pre-qualified" or "willing to learn".
  • HL7 process and procedure knowledge
  • and so on

Other Requirements

Consider and document any other special requirements such as travel required,

Reasons to Choose This Work Group

If, any, describe any special considerations that might lead a volunteer to select this Work Group. Are there leadership opportunities in the WG? Can the WG provide support to the volunteer's endeavors? Etc?