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(New page: {|cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 |- |bgcolor="#aaaaff" align=center width="12%"| CMET Identifier |bgcolor="#bbbbff" align=center | Name |bgcolor="#aaffaa" align=center | Release Number |- |C...)
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=Notice of Intent To Ballot for CMET Reaffirmation=
This ballot seeks to affirm the previous approval of 62 Common Model Element Type (CMET) specifications that had previously completed HL7 Normative balloting as version (or release) 03 through version (or release) 08. They were balloted under the auspices of Modeling and Methodology (M&M) from 2004 through 2008 and have been designated as "Normative" in Normative Editions 2005 through 2008. (Subsequently, responsibility for balloting CMETs was transferred to the Work Groups that are the prime developer of each CMET.)
The CMETs are listed on this Wiki page, and this page will be used to track the status, and findings on each of the CMETs in question.
Although ballot reconciliations were originally been posted to cover all of these CMETs, subsequent audits found an incomplete reconciliation trail on some of them. M&M is currently working to complete documentation of these actions, but there will almost certainly be some of these CMETs whose Normative status will need to be reaffirmed by this ballot.
As M&M prepares for this ballot, more information as to the status (and inclusion) of the CMETs listed here.
==Changes To Content==
There will be '''NO SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE''' in these CMETs from the way they have been published in the HL7 Normative Editions in which they appeared.
==CMETS in Question==
{|cellspacing=15 cellpadding=0
|bgcolor="#aaaaff" align=center width="12%"| CMET Identifier
|bgcolor="#ff8888" align=center width="50%"| '''CMETs Sorted by Identifier'''<br/>
|bgcolor="#bbbbff" align=center | Name
|bgcolor="#ff88ff" align=center width="50%"| '''CMETs Sorted by Name'''<br/>
|bgcolor="#aaffaa" align=center | Release Number
{|cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0
|bgcolor="#aaaaff" align=center | CMET '''Identifier'''
|bgcolor="#aaaaff" align=center | Name
|bgcolor="#aaaaff" align=center | Release
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{|cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0
|bgcolor="#aaffff" align=center | CMET Identifier
|bgcolor="#aaffff" align=center | '''Name'''
|bgcolor="#aaffff" align=center | Release

Revision as of 04:50, 25 October 2010

Notice of Intent To Ballot for CMET Reaffirmation

This ballot seeks to affirm the previous approval of 62 Common Model Element Type (CMET) specifications that had previously completed HL7 Normative balloting as version (or release) 03 through version (or release) 08. They were balloted under the auspices of Modeling and Methodology (M&M) from 2004 through 2008 and have been designated as "Normative" in Normative Editions 2005 through 2008. (Subsequently, responsibility for balloting CMETs was transferred to the Work Groups that are the prime developer of each CMET.)

The CMETs are listed on this Wiki page, and this page will be used to track the status, and findings on each of the CMETs in question.

Although ballot reconciliations were originally been posted to cover all of these CMETs, subsequent audits found an incomplete reconciliation trail on some of them. M&M is currently working to complete documentation of these actions, but there will almost certainly be some of these CMETs whose Normative status will need to be reaffirmed by this ballot.

As M&M prepares for this ballot, more information as to the status (and inclusion) of the CMETs listed here.

Changes To Content

There will be NO SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE in these CMETs from the way they have been published in the HL7 Normative Editions in which they appeared.

CMETS in Question

CMETs Sorted by Identifier
CMETs Sorted by Name
CMET Identifier Name Release
COCT_MT030000 E_LivingSubject-universal R4
COCT_MT030002 E_LivingSubject-identified/confirmable R7
COCT_MT030101 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-Identified R7
COCT_MT030102 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-Identified/Confirmable R7
COCT_MT030107 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-informational R8
COCT_MT030108 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-identified/informational R7
COCT_MT030201 E_Person-identified R7
COCT_MT030203 E_Person-contact R7
COCT_MT030207 E_Person-informational R8
COCT_MT050001 R_Patient-identified R7
COCT_MT050002 R_Patient-identified/confirmable R4
COCT_MT050002 R_Patient-identified/confirmable R7
COCT_MT050003 R_Patient-contact R4
COCT_MT050007 R_Patient-informational R8
COCT_MT050207 R_PatientPerson-informational R7
COCT_MT050208 R_PatientPerson-identified/informational R7
COCT_MT110000 A_Account-universal R4
COCT_MT110100 A_AccountPayor-universal R4
COCT_MT110101 A_AccountPayor-identifed R4
COCT_MT110102 A_AccountPayor-contact R4
COCT_MT110200 A_AccountPayee-universal R4
COCT_MT110201 A_AccountPayee-identified R4
COCT_MT110202 A_AccountPayee-basic R4
COCT_MT110300 A_AccountGuarantor-universal R4
COCT_MT150003 E_Organization-contact R3
COCT_MT180000 A_Coverage-universal R4
COCT_MT190000 A_FinancialTransaction-universal R4
COCT_MT250000 R_Reagent-universal R3
COCT_MT280000 A_Billable-universal R4
COCT_MT290000 A_BillableClinicalService-universal R6
COCT_MT290002 A_BillableClinicalService-basic R6
COCT_MT290004 A_BillableClinicalService-encounter R6
COCT_MT300000 A_BillablePharmacyDispense-universal R4
COCT_MT300001 A_BillablePharmacyDispense-basic R4
COCT_MT310000 A_BillablePreferredAccomodation-universal R4
COCT_MT320000 A_AdjudicationObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT410000 R_ExposureAgentCarrier-universal R8
COCT_MT410300 R_ExposureAgentVector-universal R8
COCT_MT411000 R_ExposureAgentFomite-universal R8
COCT_MT490000 A_BillableClinicalProduct-universal R4
COCT_MT500000 R_CoveredParty-universal R4
COCT_MT510000 A_Coverage-universal R6
COCT_MT510001 A_Coverage-identified R6
COCT_MT510002 A_Coverage-identified/informational R6
COCT_MT510003 A_Coverage-contact R6
COCT_MT510004 A_Coverage-minimal R6
COCT_MT510005 A_Coverage-basic R6
COCT_MT600000 A_BillableVisionDispense-universal R6
COCT_MT610000 A_BillableSocialService-universal R6
COCT_MT670000 R_Guarantor-universal R4
COCT_MT680000 A_InvoiceCoordination-universal R4
COCT_MT680002 A_InvoiceCoordination-basic R4
COCT_MT680003 A_InvoiceCoordination-enhanced R4
COCT_MT710000 E_Place-universal R8
COCT_MT710007 E_Place-informational R8
COCT_MT740000 A_BillableOralHealthService-universal R4
COCT_MT750000 A_BillingSupportObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT760000 A_OralHealthObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT830110 A_DicomSequence-minimal R5
COCT_MT830120 A_DicomCompositeObjectReference-minimal R5
COCT_MT840500 E_PublicHealthPathogen-universal R8
COCT_MT960000 A_SpatialCoordinate-universal R5
CMET Identifier Name Release
COCT_MT110000 A_Account-universal R4
COCT_MT110300 A_AccountGuarantor-universal R4
COCT_MT110202 A_AccountPayee-basic R4
COCT_MT110201 A_AccountPayee-identified R4
COCT_MT110200 A_AccountPayee-universal R4
COCT_MT110102 A_AccountPayor-contact R4
COCT_MT110101 A_AccountPayor-identifed R4
COCT_MT110100 A_AccountPayor-universal R4
COCT_MT320000 A_AdjudicationObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT280000 A_Billable-universal R4
COCT_MT490000 A_BillableClinicalProduct-universal R4
COCT_MT290002 A_BillableClinicalService-basic R6
COCT_MT290004 A_BillableClinicalService-encounter R6
COCT_MT290000 A_BillableClinicalService-universal R6
COCT_MT740000 A_BillableOralHealthService-universal R4
COCT_MT300001 A_BillablePharmacyDispense-basic R4
COCT_MT300000 A_BillablePharmacyDispense-universal R4
COCT_MT310000 A_BillablePreferredAccomodation-universal R4
COCT_MT610000 A_BillableSocialService-universal R6
COCT_MT600000 A_BillableVisionDispense-universal R6
COCT_MT750000 A_BillingSupportObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT510005 A_Coverage-basic R6
COCT_MT510003 A_Coverage-contact R6
COCT_MT510002 A_Coverage-identified/informational R6
COCT_MT510001 A_Coverage-identified R6
COCT_MT510004 A_Coverage-minimal R6
COCT_MT180000 A_Coverage-universal R4
COCT_MT510000 A_Coverage-universal R6
COCT_MT830120 A_DicomCompositeObjectReference-minimal R5
COCT_MT830110 A_DicomSequence-minimal R5
COCT_MT190000 A_FinancialTransaction-universal R4
COCT_MT680002 A_InvoiceCoordination-basic R4
COCT_MT680003 A_InvoiceCoordination-enhanced R4
COCT_MT680000 A_InvoiceCoordination-universal R4
COCT_MT760000 A_OralHealthObservation-universal R4
COCT_MT960000 A_SpatialCoordinate-universal R5
COCT_MT030002 E_LivingSubject-identified/confirmable R7
COCT_MT030000 E_LivingSubject-universal R4
COCT_MT030102 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-Identified/Confirmable R7
COCT_MT030108 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-identified/informational R7
COCT_MT030101 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-Identified R7
COCT_MT030107 E_NonPersonLivingSubject-informational R8
COCT_MT150003 E_Organization-contact R3
COCT_MT030203 E_Person-contact R7
COCT_MT030201 E_Person-identified R7
COCT_MT030207 E_Person-informational R8
COCT_MT710007 E_Place-informational R8
COCT_MT710000 E_Place-universal R8
COCT_MT840500 E_PublicHealthPathogen-universal R8
COCT_MT500000 R_CoveredParty-universal R4
COCT_MT410000 R_ExposureAgentCarrier-universal R8
COCT_MT411000 R_ExposureAgentFomite-universal R8
COCT_MT410300 R_ExposureAgentVector-universal R8
COCT_MT670000 R_Guarantor-universal R4
COCT_MT050003 R_Patient-contact R4
COCT_MT050002 R_Patient-identified/confirmable R4
COCT_MT050002 R_Patient-identified/confirmable R7
COCT_MT050001 R_Patient-identified R7
COCT_MT050007 R_Patient-informational R8
COCT_MT050208 R_PatientPerson-identified/informational R7
COCT_MT050207 R_PatientPerson-informational R7
COCT_MT250000 R_Reagent-universal R3