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=Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting=
=Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting=
<font color="blue">''[[Community-Based_Collaborative_Care| Meeting Information]]''</font>
<font color="orange" weight"bold">''[[Community-Based_Collaborative_Care| Meeting Information]]''</font>

Revision as of 18:12, 9 December 2008

Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

Meeting Information


  1. Ioana Singureanu Scribe
  2. Richard Thoreson Chair
  3. Jean-Henri Duteau
  4. Tony Weida
  5. Frank Din
  6. Dave Carlson


  1. Suzanne Gonzales-Webb
  2. Rob McClure


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes November 18th 2008 CBCC Conference Call 0-0-0, Agenda Approval 0-0-0
  3. (20 min) HITSP Alignment - Kathleen Connor
  4. (10 min) Shared Message Topic - Jean-Henri Duteau
  5. (10 min) Modeling publishing - Dave Carlson DITA update, OASIS balloting, Publishing project
  6. (10 min) Ballot Overview (Ioana Singureanu)

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