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V3 Publishing WGM Minutes 20101006

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V3 Publishing – Q3, Wednesday, October 6th

Attending: Woody Beeler, Andy Stechishin, Don Lloyd, Rob Hausam, Hugh Glover

Call to Order by Beeler

Set Agenda:

  1. Review Use of HL7 Pub DB Manager for Pharmacy Publishing Facilitators
  2. Review List of V3 Publishing Anticipated Questions/Challenges

Review Use of HL7 Pub DB Manager for Pharmacy Publishing Facilitators

Discussion began with a review of the Pharmacy content management needs, including their desire to split the Pharmacy Pub DB into topics to simplify editing of topics. It was suggested the Pharmacy consider listing the many draft topics that are not currently being worked on at present, and link these topics to the corresponding topics in the September 2009 V3 ballot web site. This would simplify user navigation of the Pharmacy domain.

Beeler and Lloyd then conducted an overview of the Pub DB Manager, showing how to delete and insert topics and do a bulk insert. In addition, Beeler illustrated the use of the bulk update feature to display content error messages in pub dbs.

At the end of the demonstration, Hausam and Glover left. The remainder of the meeting was informal as quorum requirements were no longer met.

Review List of V3 Publishing Anticipated Questions/Challenges

Lloyd presented a list of questions that were prompted, in part, by the just completed move to the new publishing transforms in the HQ Eclipse environment used for producing the V3 Ballot web site.

  • Should Lloyd begin using Visio 2003, rather than Visio 2002, for producing the model images and overlays, given that we have scripts to up-save and down-save the models to different visio versions? Beeler: No, not at present time.
  • Given that MIF 2.2 potentially supports the inclusion of additional ballot information, should we consider moving to a database of some sort to manage the Ballot Information (current maintained by hand in approval.xml)? Tabled for future discussion.
  • Following Beeler's roll-out of the improved desktop publishing tools, should V3 Publishing plan on providing additional training on the SVN repository for publishing facilitators. This was seen as desirable and will be discussed further in upcoming V3 Publishing meetings.
  • Should V3 Publishing consider a change in the way CMETs are managed for balloting purposes? This would include changing the way CMETs are submitted for a ballot cycle, how ballot results are tracked (currently, ballot results are managed in a spreadsheet), and grouping CMETs by owning domain. Lloyd suggests the use of tables in the current SQL db used at HQ, as this could potential allow for the development of online tools for CMETs submissions and tracking.
  • In addition, the following content-management questions were raised:
    • We can expect to see the number of topics in domains increase: do we need to review the display of topics (currently flat) in the left-hand TOC?
    • Are there any additional tools or resources V3 Publishing should be providing to help WGs manage their content (this relates not just to the pub db and SVN, but also managing and tracking models, images, ballot status, etc.)?
    • What constitutes a valid topic within a domain?
    • Should we address how Implementation Guides are produced (and embedded in topics)?
  • How are DAMs related to Domains? (A current, we have dams both in domains in the Universal Domains section and in the Domain Analysis Models section.)

The informal section of the meeting was closed due to the requirement that a variety of cookies needed mastication.