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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20081203
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern
Beeler, Kreisler, Loyd, Lloyd, Madra, Seppala, Stechishin
Ballot Open
Reviewed content that opened for Ballot2009Jan earlier today. Noted and corrected on status error that appeared only on the web-site. It was correct in the download files.
Future Coordination of Content submission via SVN
Discussed plan to document use of tags in SVN to help coordinate content management. Starting with material from Parick Loyd and Wendy Huang. Andy and Woody to coordinate. Goal is to have a hand-out for use at January WGM.
NOTE if Ballot Issues Arise
People are asked to contact Don and/or Woody by phone or e-mail if anything untoward is detected.