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EHR June 27 Minutes

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  1. Roll Call
    1. Russ Hamm
    2. Tom Oniki
    3. Joann Larson
    4. Rachael Richesson
    5. Peter McCiasac
  2. Agenda Check
  3. EHR Functional Spec Terminology Requirements (Joann Larson)
    1. JKL - Developed to determinw which EHR Functional Rqmts are relevant to the EHR Project? For terminology, a section on Health Informatics and terminology standards. It has one parent and 2 child rqmts havin to do with versioning and terminology mapping. The paren needs to be stripped down, and put into a third child. Is Terminology going to be developing services related to the EHR terminology services?
      1. The importance of the word 'model' for 'consistent terminology model'
      2. Is this semantically interoperable?
      3. Consistent with templates, etc.
  4. Service Functional Model Development (Overview, section volunteers)
  5. What do we want to ballot, and when? Red = Changes and questions. Black = original. Wide open for suggestions on how to approach this.
  6. Use Case Review / Development
    1. Tabled until next meeting
  7. Next Call Reminder
    1. July 11th
  8. Next Week's Agenda
    1. Service Functional Model Update
    2. Use Case Updates
  9. Adjourn