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Context of Use

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"Context of Use" has been used in the context of HL7 as an equivalent of Realm, but with a slightly different usage: During the discussion in Conformance it was made obvious, that this term has to fulfill additional requirements. This term has been used to reflect these. Unfortunately, they haven't been documented:

  • An Affiliate may have to maintain different scenarios (use cases) which should be kept separate.
  • Not every scenario can be kept within the borderlines of a country.
  • A scenario may concern different Affiliates in parallel. We have (informally) agreed that one of these Affiliates is declared to be the steward (or the owner) of this scenario. Every change or addition to this "context of use" must be done by this Affiliate.

Pickup up these requirements lead to re-think about the definition of Realm. The latest discussions in MnM has shown that we can combine both when redefining Realm considering these requirements.

(In the end it doesn't matter how this child is called as long as the requirements are met.)