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CSCR-045 Informant & Performer functionCode

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Revision as of 07:23, 7 February 2006 by Heathf (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Heath Frankel Revision date:
Submitted date: 6 Feb. 2006 Change request Id: 045


Need to refine the function of the entity as part of the particular Informant and Performer participations


  • Add functionCode to Performer and Informant participations


Performer and Informant participations common associated with very general roles, which do not provide much information about what the participant's specific function was as part of a particular participation. The functionCode can indicate that an AssignEntity is the primary care physician as part of the Performer participation associated with a Care Provision act. Other examples include anesthesist, midwife, etc. This also applies to informant, a nurse assistant may provide some information which was mentioned by the subject before they became unconcious and simarly, a Neighbour who is a part time care may provide some information.


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