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Using rxNorm with FHIR

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On this page, all the rules & semantics for using RxNorm with FHIR are defined.

All of these are defined in terms of the default RxNorm database created (after fixes!) by the scripts provided with RxNorm


  • The display name is
select Str from rxnconso where (RXCUI = :code and SAB = 'RXNORM')
    • or maybe select Str from rxnconso where RXAUI = :code or (RXCUI = :code and SAB = 'RXNORM')

Filter properties

to make the SQL filters work, the base SQL is

Select RXCUI from rxnconso where SAB = 'RXNORM'
Description Property Name Property Operators Value Comments SQL
Semantic Type STY in/= [COL:]Value default column is TUI and RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnsty where [COL] = :value)
Source SAB in/= Value value comes from (select RSAB from rxnsab) (e.g. source = RXNORM) - but is this redundant? and RXCUI in (select RXCUI from rxnconso where ASB = :value)
Term Type TTY in/= Value value of TTY column in rxnconso and TTY = :value

RxNorm Relationships
