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Object Property Revision

Beginning about 2009, the need arose to add properties to coded concepts, value sets, concept domains, etc. that could not be documented in the structure of the Access data base. Because the existing Java-based update tool is tightly bound to the data structures of the existing data base, and because no current volunteeers were familiar with the code of the Java application, the "toolsmiths" were reluctant to change the data content existing tables. As an alternative, the extension properties were added through a sets of tables.

This pair of tables that treat these properties as name/value pairs, and that identify the target of these properties by their type (such as "valueSet") and their fully qualified name. These tables are:

  • VCS_property_definition that defines the purpose and type of each if the properties represented in this fashion.
  • VCS_object_property That contains the name/value pairs and the formal identifier of the object to which they apply.
For several years, the management of the content of these tables required manual updates to the their content in Access.

The VML Extension, undertaken in 2013, automates the manual update processes of these properties (done in 2013). This is accomplished with the VML Extension elements discussed here. The object property revision process is used to create add, remove and replcae propertied on vocabulary objects, as well as to declare the completion of a vocabulary release that is ready for final publication.

Element objectPropertyRevision

The elements beneath objectPropertyRevision are considered in the following sub-sections.

Add Property to Object

A property may be added to any of a set of vocabulary "objects". To be fully useful, any new property should be defined in the object property definition table in the Access data base. These additions are made with manual updates to the Access table. Properties may be added prior to the recording of the dewfinition, but the representaion in MIF and vocabulary publication will be incomplete, displaying a definition as "I haven't a clue!" .

Element addPropertyToObject

The child element, propertyValue, is required. The text within this element is the value of the property being assigned.

Attributes of addPropertyToObject
objectType The type of the object to which the property will be added. The currently acceptable object types are listed in separate table below.
objectId The identifier (typically the name) of the object to which to add the property.
propertyName The name of the property being added.
propertyStatus The intended status for the property. This is optional and will default to a value of "active" if left blank.
objectType Values
relInclusion Meaning
conceptDomain The property name will select from the defined Concept Domains in the vocabulary.
codeSystem The property name will select from the defined Code Systems in the vocabulary.
valueSet The property name will select from the defined Value Sets in the vocabulary.

Remove Property From Object

Once added, a property may be removed from its targeted vocabulary "object".

Element removePropertyFomObject
Attributes of removePropertyFomObject
objectType The type of the object from which the property will be removed.
objectId The identifier (typically the name) of the object from which to remove the property.
propertyName The name of the property being removed.

Replace Property on Object

Once added, a property may be replaces (updated) on its targeted vocabulary "object". The difference between replace and a simple update is that the old value will be retained in the data base with a status of "replaced".

Element replacePropertyOnObject

The child element, propertyValue, is required. The text within this element is replacement value for the property being assigned.

Attributes of replacePropertyOnObject
objectType The type of the object for which the property will be replaced.
objectId The identifier (typically the name) of the object for which to replace the property.
propertyName The name of the property being replaced.

Close Vocabulary Release