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Governance Framework Compliance Statements

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Governance Framework

Any Implementation Guide compliant to the SAIF CD:

  • SHALL identify specific Governance Definition Processes that describe which groups have the authority to define which Precepts and their corresponding Roles, Processes and Metrics
  • SHALL identify specific Governance Communication Processes that communicate to all impacted groups the nature of the Definition Processes, Precepts defined and means to ask for exceptions to Precepts
  • SHALL identify specific Governance Appeal Processes for groups to request exceptions to communicated precepts and criteria to evaluate exception requests
  • SHALL identify specific processes to evaluate existing precepts to determine whether they are achieving their intended purposes and are still relevant as circumstances change

Governance Definition Processes SHOULD include a specific Risk Assessment to identify areas to govern

  • Precepts that are defined when a Risk Assessment has been performed SHALL identify which risks they are intended to mitigate

Precept definitions SHALL identify

  • What is the purpose of the precept
  • What are the objectives of the precept
  • What policies apply to carrying out the precept
  • What standards apply to the precept
  • What Roles are affected by each Precept
  • What are the Processes to which the Precepts apply
  • What Metrics are used to determine if Precepts have been applied successfully
  • What are the consequences of not following precepts

Precept definitions SHOULD identify

  • Where authority for the precepts originates (which organizational policy, legislation regulation)

Roles SHOULD be named unambiguously within the scope of anticipated interoperability and identify

  • What actions are permitted, obligated or prohibited by the Role
  • Whether the Role can further delegate authority to carry out part of permitted or obligated actions

When a Community is defined as part of defining a Precepts, the definition SHOULD identify

  • What pre-conditions are applicable to become a member of the Community
  • What processes establish community membership
  • What processes terminate community membership
  • What post-conditions are applicable when leaving a community