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20110504 SAIF AP ConCall

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SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-05-04 Meeting

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Meeting Logistics


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Coordinate message for communicating the SAIF AP in Orlando
  4. Continue discussion of the revisions to the Quality Plan PSS (Gregg Seppala)
  5. Review project list to see if some should be brought in under the SAIF AP umbrella (#1855)- POSTPONED
    1. How to go about this task?
      1. Assign as homework?
      2. Spend 10 minutes each meeting and walk thru by SD? (FTSD first)
  6. SAIF and Sound White Paper Document - Review Feedback from the team's review of the document - POSTPONED
  7. Pilot Coordination updates (Rick Haddorff/Dave Hamill)
    1. Any new Coordination items? (Team)
    2. Project Schedule progress (Rick Haddorff/Dave Hamill)
  8. Action item review (see below)
  9. Next steps

Action Items to Review

1865: Determine what steps needs to be completed to acquire the EA software<br\> 1868: Determine how to actually get the EA Software to the modelers. <br\> Last update from Jane: I will be following up with the Sparx contact to determine whether a process similar to the one we use for Rational would be acceptable." <br\> Jane: Anything new to report?<br\> <br\> 1862: Review the OO project and Create OO PSS's<br\> Last Update: Patrick to edit and send final versions to OO listserv for vote on 4/14 or possibly the call after (4/21)<br\> Patrick: Anything new to report?<br\> <br\> 1850: ID List of Tools that the Composite Order Project Needs<br\> 2011-04-11:Collab Net, has an svn client for free. (Patrick Loyd email: As Lorraine worked through the environment, we determined that we need an ‘svn client’ to work with EA (command line). Since LC and I have previously worked on a project which required this (so we have it); but we need to be able to get this for others. <br\> Patrick: When should we take the next steps for this?<br\>

Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge)