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ActMood Cleanup

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Revision as of 18:08, 3 October 2010 by Grahamegrieve (talk | contribs)
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Content from the priginal proposal: File:ActMoodWordVersion.doc

Problems with ActMood:

  • The definition of OPT is non-sensical, and use is not properly understood
  • Slot is an intent, which doesn’t make sense. The definition of SLOT mentions blocking which isn’t defined, and it describes something other than an act (a time period)
  • How do you differentiate between RQO, PRP, and RMD. If you have no operational definitions for professional responsibility, and “mandated”, these are indistinguishable by definition. Actually how they are distinguished is not in the definitions – so clean this up
  • Is a request for permission a specific RQO type request, or something more general?
  • Definitions talk about service which is historical concept
  • Predicate says “event only”. CRT says “any kind of ActMoodCompletionTrack”, EVN.CRT says event only.
  • The relationship between ActRelationship codes and ActMood codes needs to be clarified
  • It’s unclear when the act mood permutates and when it doesn’t. For instance, an event used as a criteria (some kind of act relationship?) is an EVN.CRT, a request for an event is a RQO, but a criterion as part of a request (i.e. do a LDL cholesterol if HDL is > some value) does not become RQ.EVN.CRT (for example).
  • If a goal is also an expectation, can you say both at once? Or do you have to repeat the act twice? The same act with different immutable attributes?
  • The definitions do not establish exactly what “more actual” means, but this is a concept expressed in various act relationships

Old (Existing) Codes

Level Code Print Name Definition
0 abstract ActMoodCompletionTrack These are moods describing activities as they progress in the business cycle, from defined, through planned and ordered to completed.
1 DEF Definition A definition of a service (master)
1 EVN event (occurrence) A service that actually happens, may be an ongoing service or a documentation of a past service.
1 INT Intent An intention or plan to perform a service. Historical note: in previous RIM versions, the intent mood was captured as a separate class hierarchy, called Service_intent_or_order.
2 APT appointment A planned Act for a specific time and place
2 ARQ appointment request A request for the booking of an appointment
2 PRMS Promise An intent to perform a service that has the strength of a commitment, i.e., other parties may rely on the originator of such promise that said originator will see to it that the promised act will be fulfilled. A promise can be either solicited or unsolicited.
3 RMD recommendation A non-mandated intent to perform an act where a level of professional responsibility is being accepted by making the proposal
2 RQO Request A request or order for a service is an intent directed from a placer (request author) to a fulfiller (service performer).
2 SLOT resource slot Periods of time on a schedule for a resource. Appointments occupy sets of one or more booked slots. A slot that is open for appointments is considered available and a slot that is held back for administrative purposes is considered blocked. A Resource slot that is "tentatively" booked is referred to as reserved
0 abstract ActMoodPredicate Any of the service moods (e.g., event, intent, or definition) can be turned into a predicate used as a criterion to express conditionals (or queries.) However, currently we allow only criteria on service events.
1 CRT Criterion A criterion or condition over actual and potential services that must apply for an associated service to be considered. Matches records any ActMoodCompletionTrack moods
2 EVN.CRT event criterion A criterion or condition over service events that must apply for an associated service to be considered
1 EXPEC Expectation An act that is considered likely to occur in the future. The essential feature of an act expressed in expectation mood is that it is likely to occur. An expectation may be desirable, undesirable or neutral in effect.
1 GOL Goal An observation that is considered to be desirable to occur in the future. The essential feature of a goal is that if it occurs it would be considered as a marker of a positive outcome or of progress towards a positive outcome
1 OPT Option An option is an alternative set of property-value bindings. Options specify alternative sets of values, typically used in definitions or orders to describe alternatives. An option can only be used as a group, that is, all assigned values must be used together
1 PERM Permission A kind of service which is authorized to be performed
1 PERMRQ permission request A request for authorization to perform a kind of service.

This is distinct from RQO which is a request for an actual act. PERMRQ is merely a request for permission to perform an act.

1 RSK Risk An act that may occur in the future and which is regarded as undesirable. The essential feature of a risk is that if it occurs this would be regarded as a marker of a negative outcome or of deterioration towards a negative outcome. Recording a risk indicates that it is seen as more likely to occur in the subject than in a general member of the population but does not mean it is expected to occur

Proposed Changes:

  • Use some internal definitional qualifiers to help keep the definitions consistent (more planned?)
  • Introduce mood as single root. (required?)
  • Correct definition of event
  • Create “potential” abstract
  • Move slot, def and perm under “potential”. Correct their definitions (incl reversing sense in SLOT)
  • Correct definitions for intent, appointment and promise
  • Introduce abstract “desire” to help define relationships between PRP, RMD and RQO
  • Correct definitions for PRP, RMD and RQO
  • Create “request act” to help clarify relationships between various requests
  • Move Permission request and Appointment request into request act
  • Correct definitions for all 3 requests (use internal qualifier to make meaning clear)
  • Correct definition for predicate
  • Correct definitions for CRT and EVN.CRT
  • Deprecate option – and move it out of predicate too

Notes about proposal:

Lloyd believes that it’s not possible to organize which moods are more actual than others: INT is more actual than DEF .. . . Also, “more actual” can’t always be determined by mood alone. A detailed order within a sub-system might be more actual than a general promise, while in general promises could be seen as more actual than orders. I’d recommend toasting the whole “more actual” beyond saying that EVN more actual than INT more actual than DEF. Trying to sort “more actual” within intents just gets messy.

New Codes (after changes)

Level Code Print Name Definition
0 abstract completion track These are moods describing activities as they progress in the business cycle, from defined, through planned and ordered to completed
1 EVN Event An act that actually happens (may be an ongoing act or a documentation of a past act)
definitional qualifier: has_more_actual = nil
1 abstract Potential Defines a possible act
definitional qualifier: has_more_actual = EVN
2 DEF Definition A definition of an act
2 SLOT Slot An available type of act that may be requested during a defined time period
2 PERM Permission A type of act for which permission has been granted
1 INT Intent An intention or plan to perform an act. The logical end “target” of the intent, the act that is desired to occur, is always an event. However the direct target may also be a permission or an appointment that may later cause an actual event to occur
definitional qualifier: has_more_actual = event
2 APT appointment An act that has been scheduled to occur at a specific place and time
2 PRMS Promise A commitment to perform an act (may be either solicited or unsolicited)
definitional qualifier: has_more_actual = appointment
2 abstract Desire A desire to have an act occur
3 PRP Proposal A suggestion to an act should occur. Not an explicit request, and professional responsibility may or may not be present
definitional qualifier: has_more_actual = request
4 RMD recommendation A suggestion that an act should occur with an acceptance of some degree of responsibility for the resulting act. Not an explicit request
Note: where there is no clear definition or applicable concept of “professional responsibility”, RMD becomes indistinguishable to PRP
3 abstract request act A request (or order) for an act that is part of a defined request/fulfillment cycle
Note: Use of an HL7 defined request/fulfillment framework is not required to the use of this mood code.
definitional qualifiers:
has_target = completion track
has_more_actual = appointment
4 RQO Request a request act that has_target = an event (EVN)
4 ARQ appointment request a request act that has_target = an appointment (APT)
5 PERMRQ permission request a request act that has_target = permission (PERM)
0 abstract Predicate An act that expresses conditionals statements for other acts
definitional qualifiers:
has_match = completion track
has_more_actual = intent
1 CRT Criterion A condition that must be true for the source act to be considered
2 EVN.CRT event criterion a criterion (CRT) that has_match = an event (EVN)
1 EXPEC Expectation An act that is considered likely to occur in the future (has_match = event)
1 GOL Goal An observation that is considered to be desirable to occur in the future (has_match = event)
1 RSK risk An act that may occur in the future and which is regarded as undesirable (has_match = event)
0 OPT option


  • although this talks about qualifier values, these are only definitional – to help with consistency. There is no intent to allow instances to contain compositional mood codes. (This is disallowed by the abstract datatypes specification)
  • Some of the codes have extra documentation that isn’t mentioned in this document – it is not proposed to drop this extra stuff

Act relationship and act:

This material was NOT reviewed in Phoenix. Rather, it was deferred to a later review

lvl name Source Target

0-A ActRelationshipConditional

1-L has contra-indication target service is in criterion mood

1-L has pre-condition The target can be any service in criterion mood

1-S has reason

2-L Blocks

2-L curative indication

2-L adjunct curative indication

2-L diagnosis

2-S mitigates

3-L Recovery

2-L adjunct mitigation

2-L symptomatic relief

1-L has trigger The target is in typically in criterion mood. When reported after the fact (i.e. the criterion has been met) it may be in Event mood.

0-S has component

1-L arrival

1-L has control variable

1-L departure

0-S has outcome Target must be an observation as a goal, risk or any criterion

1-A Act Relationsip Objective Source is any act (typically an intervention) Target must be an observation in criterion mood

2-L has continuing objective Source is an intervention service Target must be an observation in criterion mood.

2-L has final objective Source is any service (typically an intervention) Target must be an observation in criterion mood.

1-L has goal Source is an observation or condition node target must be an observation in goal mood

1-L has risk

0-S has pertinent information

1-A ActClassTemporallyPertains

2-L starts after end of

2-L starts after start of

1-A ActRelationshipAccounting

2-A ActRelationshipCostTracking

3-L has charge

3-L has cost

2-A ActRelationshipPosting

3-L has credit

3-L has debit

1-L authorized by

1-L is etiology for The source (cause) is typically an observation, but may be any service the target must be an observation

1-L covered by

1-L is derived from

1-L episodeLink

1-L provides evidence for

1-L has explanation

1-L items located

1-L limited by Target Act must be in EVN.CRIT mood

1-L is manifestation of the source (manifestation) must be an observation The target (cause) may be any service

1-L assigns name Source is a condition node target can be any service

1-L has previous instance Previous instance

1-L refers to

1-L has reference values observations Observation in criterion mood

1-S has support observation any service

2-L has bounded support

1-L has subject

1-L summarized by

0-S is sequel

1-L is appendage

1-L Update

1-L documents

1-S fulfills Source act must be in a mood equal or more actual than the target act.

2-L occurrence is occurrence of The source and target act can be in any mood on the "completion track" but the source act must be as far as or further along the track than the target act (i.e., the occurrence of an intent can be an event but not vice versa)

2-L references order

2-L schedules request schedules

1-L has generalization

1-L evaluates (goal)

1-L instantiates (master)

1-L modifies

1-L matches (trigger) an actual service (e.g., an observation or procedure that took place) a service in criterion mood

1-L has option

1-L re-challenge

1-L reverses the "completion track" mood of the target Act must be equally or more "actual" than the source act.

1-L replaces source and target must be of the same type

1-L succeeds

1-L updates (condition)

1-S Excerpts

2-L Excerpt verbatim

1-L transformation

This has a rather alarming amount of holes in here! One global proposal: replace “service” with “act” throughout