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Talk:CDA for Healthcare Acquired Infectious Disease Reporting

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Q+A on pilot materials May 15-30

1. The question about "Post-Procedure? (Y/N)" is missing from the strawman, both as an entry and as a human-readable section.text.

CDC: This field will never be sent for BSI. It will be sent for SSI. If during the pilot the Post-procedure Yes/No value is present in a BSI CDA report, the NHSN import will ignore the value and enter No for this datum.

2. In CONF-15, I thought the LegalAuthenticator should be the Infection Control practitioner, and we should use the OID and extension supplied by CDC when they sign up for NHSN.

KH: The conformance-statements document should include the remark (from the strawman file) that legalAuthenticator may be an infection control practitioner or anyone assigned by the facility to this task. The strawman represents the legalAuthenticator id element as:

<id root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="aLegalAuthenticatorID"/>

This has the form you note, i.e., @root + @extension. But please note that whether an organization constructs identifiers using only @root or using @root + @extension is not prescribed by CDA, and in general it would probably not be good practice to constrain organizations to using one form or another. Add to issues list

3. In CONF-16, it is not clear whether the Facility OID assigned by CDC should have an "extension" or not.

KH: General CDA guidance is to avoid routine/default use of @extension attribute, and the strawman represents the Facility ID as an OID with no @extension. An appropriate use of @extension may be the facility's local location ID (e.g., 9W) which is currently represented as location/addr/unitID but is under review. Add to issues list

4. Someone has added 2 required fields in CONF-65, which are not on the paper copy of the BSI form, and are not normally collected by Infection Control practitioners. They are the DATE and TIME of the "final reporting on an isolate." Can these requirements be loosened or removed for purposes of the pilot?

KH: These fields may be required by HL7 best practice; need to confirm. Given that the values are not available, will need an approach for the pilot. Add to issues list

5. CONF-66 ... does not really represent a question that appears on the paper copy of the BSI Form. Whether an organism is GNO, GPO or GO is directly calculable from the Pathogen code. If the CDC really wants this entry [vendors will need] a list of the gram-sensitivities...

KH: This component supports providing a visual rendering that separates the findings into GPO, GNO, and OO sections as on the BSI form. It was originally our understanding that this rendering was desired, but it may not be. If not, this component can be removed from the conformance statements, strawman, and schematron rules. Add to issues list

6. We still do not have a strawman for the BSI Denominator data. Will this be available before the May 30 meeting in Atlanta?

KH: Will clarify with NHSN.

7. Rick: Put the facility id as an extension attribute on the id element vs. just in the address.

Add to issues list.