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October 19 2016 Education Telecon

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Revision as of 01:38, 21 October 2016 by V lorenzi (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda)
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Call to Order

  • Call info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895

Called meeting to order at 4:05 pm EST

  • Attendees:

Sharon Chaplock Calvin Beebe Heather Grain Virginia Lorenzi (scribe)

Review prior minutes

We did not do this. Need to do next time.

Discussion items

  • Brochure and Blurbs, outstanding San Antonio items

Mary Ann not available - Virginia agreed to reach out to her offline.

  • facilitator training

Heather recording with Sharon immediately after call.

  • Progress on Spanish coursework, webinars and documentation

Diego and Fernando have pledged to do this. Sharon said this will not occur until after January 1.

  • FHIR Certification
    • Explained that this test will actually be a renewable certification and that some testing of actual implementation skill will be required (demonstrated via application and/or via a post of a resource).
    • Sharon has involved Wayne to help with FHIR certification program coordination.
    • She has a full list of remaining tasks. We asked that she add "create competancies" to the list.
    • Virginia put out a draft set of FHIR certification test eligibility and renewal requirements. Grahame reviewed it. Needs further specification.
    • Grahame/FHIR team working on competencies and making test questions legally defensible
    • Discussed scope statement - agreed it should not be owned by education. Calvin recommended that it be developed because its good for communication purposes. Virginia agreed to provide a draft scope statement to Grahame which they could edit and own and have education as collaborator.
  • Vocabulary webinars progress update - Heather

Work beginning now - should be done in next couple months (will be recorded and available on the portal)

  • Update on Physician and Clinician Standards local training in Alabama - Virginia/Anita

Anita reached out to Virginia and Sharon about doing local training at UAMS. Working to set up a call to discuss further.

  • old projects

Virginia noted that Melissa is working on cleaning these up.

  • report from headquarters

Sharon: Qstream interval learning called Ed2Go released and doing well.
