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Datatypes R2 Issue 12

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Revision as of 03:44, 12 January 2007 by GrahameGrieve (talk | contribs)
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Data Types Issue 12: Drop identity-equality distinction


Remove the artificial distinction between identity and equality. We do a whole lot of goofy things (like make addresses BAGs instead of SETs because we need to support duplicate addresses with different times.

This would not be backward compatible.


DataTypes BOF May 2005: Proposed action: Accept and add equivalence definitions for EN, AD, PQ, CD, possibly others

This is a very far-reaching thing to do. I can agree to EN and AD but it should not be done for PQ and CD. The proposal is not correctly titled, as the whole point about data types is that identity is not different from equality. Anything that looks different between two values and does not factor into the equality relation is logically irrelevant. I am O.K. with revising this, but a sweeping change without further looking at the specific cases is a very bad idea. --Gschadow 01:23, 25 Jun 2006 (CDT)

BOF: Accept and add equivalence definitions for EN, AD, PQ, CD, possibly others





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