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CDS WG Agenda 2012-01

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Revision as of 13:48, 3 January 2012 by Kensaku kawamoto (talk | contribs)
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DRAFT Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda (Tentative) January 2012 Work Group Meeting, San Antonio, TX

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed Quarter 1 to Thurs Quarter 3 (1/18 and 1/19)

Items needing to be added to agenda:

- Status of V3 GELLO comment ballot (owner: Andrew McIntyre)

- VA GELLO plugin interface (owner: Andrew McIntyre)

- Future work on vMR, including several enhancements needs identified by OpenCDS

- Strategic planning


Mon - Wed: Cochair Election (Guilherme Del Fiol seat)

Tue Q2: Joint with AS, PHER (Host: Arden Syntax)

- Discussion topic: Immunization knowledge representation

Tue Q4:

- ? Patient Care and Patient Safety may have joint session of interest to CDS.

Wed Q1: Regular session - Joint with SD at least first half (each to have its own room; start meeting at SD room)

- Discussion topic: first 45 min. (or possibly full session) --> join with SD for joint topics

Bob Dolin: HQMF --> experiences to date; use for decision support; impact of shift in focus from process measures to outcome measures.

Wed Q2: Regular session - Joint with O&O (each to have its own room; who will report where tbd)

- Discussion topics: vMR v2 specification, Order Sets

Wed Q3: Hosting PHER

- Discussion topic:

OpenCDS immunization project update

Discussion of update to dose number and doseIsValid indicators on vMR SubstanceAdministrationEvent being needed for multi-component vaccine administrations.

John Roberts: brief update on the progress of the Reportable Condition Mapping Table and the Reportable Condition Knowledgebase, which have the potential to provide the underlying data needed to inform clinicians of the need to report lab results, diagnoses, and cases of communicable disease to public health.

Alean Kirnak: Cross Paradigm Interoperability Immunization Implementation Guide (X-Paradigm project). CDS has expressed interest in co-sponsoring this project. The PSS is found at

Wed Q4: Regular session

- Some representatives to go to Patient Care for discussion on allergies

Thurs Q1: Regular session

- Discussion topic: - part of the session: Clinical Genomics items -- some members from CG (e.g., Scott Bolte) attending to discuss CDS/CG topics.

Thurs Q2: Regular session

- Discussion topics:

Thurs Q3: Regular session

- Discussion topics: Requested: Clayton Curtis -- The purpose of the session is to present experiences with Arden, GELLO, and vmr in the context of the VA CDS Innovation project (project site at Topic list to include – all in the context of “what went well, what challenges were encountered, what changes to the standards might be considered as a result” – at least the following (additions / suggestions welcome):

Overview of project goals and architecture Arden Syntax aspects of the project GELLO aspects of the project vMR aspects of the project Web services aspects of the project Communication between Arden and GELLO execution environments – new territory Implementation considerations (caching, performance, etc.) Demonstration of the instance implementation

Thurs Q4: Likely no session, unless agenda fills up otherwise and overflow time required

Potentially relevant Public Health and Emergency Response sessions

Relevant sessions for Cross-Paradigm Interoperability Implementation Guide for Immunizations in HL7 San Antonio the week of January 16:

Tue Q2: Arden Syntax (unconfirmed). Topic: Arden and Immunization Decision Support

Wed Q3: CDS and PHER, hosted by CDS.

Wed Q4: SAIF Architecture Program

Thurs Q3: SOA with ArB

Friday Q1 and Q2: Work sessions hosted by SOA (pending room availability)

Project page on SOA wiki: