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===Search for articles===
===Search for articles===
*201005 Rene to ping Cecil for him to locate cross-industry articles related to the subject of merging object trees into object nets, and to querying of subsets of object nets.  
*201005 Rene to ping Cecil for him to locate cross-industry articles related to the subject of merging object trees into object nets, and to querying of subsets of object nets.
*201107 Pinged Cecil again..
===MIF documentation===
===MIF documentation===

Revision as of 08:36, 27 July 2011

This page contains the open action items of the RIMBAA WG.

RIMBAA NL: Aorta whitepaper

  • 201102: Rene/Alexander: maken whitepaper op de wiki over best-practices bij het implementeren van de Aorta HL7 v3 specificaties. Deadline ontwerpversie is 15/16 juni, de eerstvolgende leverancierstweedaagse.

RIMBAA NL: missie en visie

  • 201102: voorziters: ontwikkel RIMBAA Missie en Visie (vanuit huidige summary); speerpunten benoemen; jaarplan maken. Discussie/goedkeuren op eerstvolgende RIMBAA meeting.

RIMBAA NL: chairs

  • 201102 Michael to-do: Stemming (co-chairs) op e-mail lijst aankondigen, vragen of nieuwe kandidaten zich willen melden.

Enhanced Scope

  • 20110110 ACTION Rene to craft a draft/updated mission statement, to use that as a basis for discussions within the WG, and to forward any outcome to the SD list as an FYI for comments.

CIHI Partner conference

  • 20110110 ACTION: Andy S to follow up on MBT (software itself, and/or its architecture) and message instance editor.

CRUD services

  • 20101104 Michael to coordinate the creation of a whitepaper about a simple CDR CRUD services. Michael has created one for the UMCG, as far as he knows Ewout has one and Ernst de Bel has one, and probably more exist. We could find the commonalities and write a paper on that.

Datatype library quality criteria

  • 201010 Ewout to create an initial draft set of criteria and to coordinate the creation of a final list

Quality criteria, project statement

  • 201010 Rene/Ewout: Create a new draft project scope statement do a requirement analysis for Data Types libraries in general. The draft will be put to the RIMBAA WG for additional discussion and approval.


  • 201010 reach out to the various e-mail lists (tooling, MnM, RIMBAA, implementation) and ask who has implemented.
  • 20100915: Rene to ask DRV Bund (Germany) to verify if they're interested in using the updated version (of JavaSIG 2010)

Checklist for SMIRFs

  • 20100916: Ewout to write a draft checklist on methods to find 'small pattern models' to be used in CRUD services, based in part on the book by Eric evans. Determine in how far the methods on the checklist impact the "safety" of the models.

Update safe querying page

  • 20100916: Rene to add another actor to the diagram (on this page: Safe querying of a RIM-based data model): a "safe template repository", which has the capability to (a) identify templates that are safe, and (b) specify if an instance that complies with template X can be safely interpreted using a subsequent template X2; and if so, how the mapping (if any) between the two should look like.

Search for articles

  • 201005 Rene to ping Cecil for him to locate cross-industry articles related to the subject of merging object trees into object nets, and to querying of subsets of object nets.
  • 201107 Pinged Cecil again..

MIF documentation

  • 20100517: RIMBAA members to describe what parts of the MIF (its format/structure) should be documented and in what way. This in order to ease the work of those that write their own code MIF based code generators or those that do M2M transformations. ask implementers who have already done this what information was missing which would have eased their work.
  • 20100517: Lorraine to ask Mohawk for their feedback.
  • 20100701: Rene asked Lloyd (to take up with tooling) to add an example vision - MIF example.
  • 20110331 Jean volunteers to craft some MIF intro material

RIM intro text

  • 20100517: Peter Hendler to review RIM into wording. Woody Beeler invited to review the introductory text of the RIM (which is in itself not subject to ballot), to ensure any bias towards interoperability is removed.
  • 201005 check RIM wording of upcoming ballot to see if the proposed text has made it.
  • 201009 Rene: update hasn't been published. I've sent a reminder to Woody.
  • 201101 Rene: sent an update to Woody, the text hasn't bee updated yet in the january 2011 ballot
  • 201107 Rene: may 2011 ballot still doesn't contain updated wording

Whitepaper RIM approach

  • 20090203 Rene: to create (to act as editor) whitepaper to show benefits (to "market") of RIM-approach vs. one-off model solutions for individual issues. Target audience: developers, OR physicians (would lead to use of different arguments). Physicians: re-use of componets, research uses the samen samentic models as used anywhere.
  • See Reasons for RIMBAA
  • 20110331 Peter volunteers to check MDD list