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February 07, 2017 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair . Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair
x Mohammed Jafari x Rick Grow x Glen Marshall . Ken Salyards
. Ken Sinn x David Staggs . Steve Eichner x Beth Pumo
x Chris Shawn . Ioana Singureanu x Neelima Chennamaraja . Joe Lamy
x Joseph Quinn . David Tao, Mobile Health . Nathan Botts, Mobile Health] . Lisa Gonzalez

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda Approve Meeting Minutes January_31,_2017_CBCC_Conference_Call
  2. (05 min) PASS Audit - Diana
  3. (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA)
  4. (05 min) FHIR Consent Issue Resolution FRIDAY call update discussion reminder
  5. (05 min) Mobile Health - cMHAFF joint project - David Tao
  6. (30 min) HIMSS Demo Update - Mike Davis
  7. (05 min) FHIR Security - John TUESDAY MEETING update

Meeting Minutes Approval

FHIR Consent Issue Resolution Update

Update: met on frieday

  • All remaining issues have been deferred to a later time
  • Dave Pyke has updated the FHIR consent project page w/the deferred issues
  • Documents added regarding the security label/SLS information that needs to be added to FHIR
  • Comments added from individual/individual issues (from deferred CPs)
  • CBCC/FHIR Consent is clear for STU3
  • meeting again in two weeks 2/24 (after IHE and HIMSS meetings)

PASS Audit - update, Diana

  • ballot reconciliation in process

Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA) - update, Rick or Suzanne

  • HL7 Governance board is still going through the document
  • from TSC meeting minutes from Monday 2/6:
    • HL7 Guidance: Standards Privacy Assessment (SPA) Cookbook, Release 1
      • Austin to take issue of encouraging vs. mandating a process to SGB
      • Complete. Some revisions will be suggested before TSC approval. SGB will bring back recommendations on 2017-03-06 call.
  • Rick awaiting TSC desired revisions.

HIMSS Update

  • Mohammad
    • Demonstration back end server is ready/has been ready
    • Duane is working on the demonstration client side
    • Mohammad/Duane are planning to have something ready to demo on Friday.

Mobile Health - cMHAFF

  • Beth attended meeting:
    • David Tao is working through Security Risk Assessment and coming up with values as recommended on last week's CBCC WG
    • it was noted that they may still be over engineering what the controls are
    • document still contains many "shall" and "must" statements which will be reviewed over the next couple of weeks

Meeting Adjourned (David Pyke/Glen) at 1211 Arizona Time