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CS May 2014 WGM Minutes

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May 2014 WGM Phoenix

Note: Attendance for the session is recorded as part of the Orders and Observation group minutes for the week - here

For convenience, these notes are extracted from those OO minutes

Thursday Q3 CS/OO

Chairs: Hans, Lorraine

Agenda Review

  • Ballot reconciliation of Clinical Statement CMET
  • PSS

Clinical Statement ballot recon for normative ballot:

Rick Geimer AF comment was a compliment and a typo.

This is a recast of Clinical Statement – why are there comments and if they affect the underlying standard?

This was focused on differences from existing – any new Motion to dispose typos by editor - Mead Walker, William ??, no further discussion, against:0, abstain:0, in favor:8

Loved the notes detailing the mood codes – thank you very much.

Motion to accept ballot reconciliation and approve publication of CMET - William, Stephen Chu, no further discussion, against:0, abstain:1, in favor:9

Can rest for 5 years