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20160222 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 136-494-157

Date: 2016-02-22
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Co-Chair/CTO Members
Woody Beeler x Lorraine Constable x Grahame Grieve David Hay
x Dave Shaver x Ewout Kramer Cecil Lynch (ArB) x Lloyd McKenzie (FMG)
Wayne Kubick Regrets Calvin Beebe .
observers/guests Anne W., scribe


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 20160208 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • Anne to tell Lillian to move FGB meeting to Q0 on Tuesday (complete)
    • Lloyd to update section 3 on DMP on meeting notifications to reflect reality (internal vs. external notifications)
    • Lloyd to add language to DMP to allow appointment of interim co-chair in section 5.2
  • Discussion topics
    • SGB/ARB meeting on Wednesday to discuss product manager role/replacement of CTO role on FGB; Grahame to join call or weigh in beforehand
    • further discussion on "defining metrics by which progress towards the objectives of the FGB and FMG can be measured and evaluated" (bullet point in Mission and Charter)
    • Custom Resources issue
  • FMG update -
  • Methodology update-
  • Review precepts, associated governance points and risks
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.


  • Lorraine chairing
  • Agenda review - no edits to the agenda
  • MOTION to accept minutes by Lloyd; second by Ewout
  • VOTE: all in favor
  • Action items:
    • Anne completed the first item
    • Section 3 meeting notifications/DMP update by Lloyd - add for next week
  • Custom resource issue
    • Discussed in Orlando. 3 different places people might want to use them: 1) outside healthcare; 2) resources that we haven't gotten to; 3) people want to use their own custom resources so they don't have to pay the price of aligning with existing resources. Grahame states that we need to be clear in the market and have better social behavior in the community. Governance board must decide what the rules are for custom resources and EC must determine how we define that to the market. Lloyd: one example would be someone using FHIR proper but they need extra stuff. How do we do that in a way that plays nicely with the world at large. The other is people who have no interest in using FHIR resources at all but wants to use FHIR mechanics, which they can do as long as they don't use the FHIR name (although they will want to). Discussed a variety of examples in which these situations would occur. Do we have criteria on the definition of a custom resource? Ewout: perhaps custom resources could be accepted if they're widely in use. Lorraine: we can't control people creating stuff in their own organizations, but what do we recognize and give status in the spec? Lloyd: how will this work with the reference implementations? Ewout: it would be a big change. Lloyd: we have the possibility of essentially treating unrecognized resources as if they were basic resources and exposing anything you don't recognize as basic. If you don't have structure definition, you'd have to have a base url. If you've got that, then you've got enough to de facto namespace all of the unrecognized elements. In the absence of having a structure definition, you can still parse it, regurgitate it, and persist it. It's reasonable to allow custom resources but we need to come up with a tolerable but somewhat derogatory name for things that aren't pure FHIR.
    • Next steps: we think we should support it; what do we do next. We need to figure out if it's actually going to be two distinct mechanisms. One for the people playing in the FHIR space using all of the existing resources but defining custom stuff for new areas or edge spaces vs. the people like OpenAir who want to play in their own sandbox. What will the technical mechanism be, taking into account versioning. Lorraine: that should come out of FHIR-I. Three types - pure FHIR, FHIR+, and FHIR-ish. We need to figure out how it all will work.
    • ACTION: Grahame has a blog post that he will pass to FGB before publishing. Will come back to this topic next week.
  • SGB/ARB did meet to look at generic product director roles. Came up with a bunch of questions, and need to schedule a discussion with Grahame and Paul. Regarding replacement of CTO; Grahame states he's not opposed to having Wayne here. Lorraine states we'll wait to hear what TSC says.
  • Lorraine notes that mission and charter does state two co-chairs so we need to update that as well, and we need to change any areas where we should add the product director.
    • ACTION: Lloyd will present edits for review on the next call
  • No call next week because people are at HIMSS; will pick up the following week
  • FMG update: working on proposals for resources, proposals for Connectathon, and reviewing PSSs
  • Adjourned at 4:53 Eastern