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20141217 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2014-12-17
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s):
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk Hugh Glover x Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
Josh Mandel x John Moehrke x Brian Pech
Brian Postlethwaite .


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20141210_FMG_concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • David to discuss remote access issues (webinar capabilities/Google Hangout idea) for Connectathon with Lillian and Sharon
      • Grahame to work on content for the Connectathon web page
      • David to send out announcement to implementers encouraging early Connectathon registration
      • TSC and FGB to review/endorse additional terms for David, John, and Brian plus addition of Brian Postlethwaite
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Adding to agenda: 1) implementation committee WG from board that is trying to reach out to implementers, and 2) Standards maturity survey - should we do a pilot with FHIR. Hans moves to approve agenda; Paul seconds. No objections or abstentions.
  • Minutes from 2014-12-10: Hans moves to approve; Paul seconds. No objections or abstentions.
  • David not present to discuss webinar - it has been raised with Lillian and Sharon is exploring associated costs. Plan would be to have a webcam and a mic attached to Lloyd's laptop. Should have an answer back this week.
  • Connectathon page - will check with Grahame.
  • Announcement was sent out to implementers.
  • TSC has endorsed extended terms of David, John and Brian as well as addition of Brian Postlethwaite. Anne to send out Doodle poll for call times starting in January - look for times good for both North America and New Zealand/Melbourne. Will continue with 90 minutes for now.
  • Anne to add documents to agenda
  • Hans bring up issue of implementation committee WG. Looking for people in FHIR community to join who are not involved in standards development - looking for implementers to provide perspective. Hans encourages group to consider names of people who could provide that perspective. Lloyd suggests sending out a request to the implementers' Skype chat looking for volunteers. Hans/Lloyd will send out a message. Lloyd encourages listing criteria as far as time commitment, membership requirements, etc.
  • Standards maturity survey: intent to get input on where a standard is in its maturity cycle. Focus on IGs as well as underlying standards. Question: Do we want to submit or create a survey specific to FHIR DSTU 1 as well? Would provide a benchmark for future measurements to look for progression indicators. Would like to use FMG to send out pilot to check out whether the survey works, get feedback, and then after JanWG, roll it out more widely. Would FMG be the right place to use as a focal point to determine if FHIR Is a good topic for the survey? And what would be a good audience to address the survey to? Lloyd says we should take a look at the survey but FMG would be the right group to coordinate that if it is appropriate. Discussion regarding structure of the survey - what is being measured and how, and what is the definition of mature? Conclusion is that yes, FMG is the right place to run this through to determine if the survey is appropriate and if yes, to disseminate it. We may also be able to gather other types of information that we need. Hans will forward the draft survey in the next few weeks for FMG review.
  • Call adjourned at 1:00 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Update on remote access planning for Connectathon (David)
  • Anne to Doodle poll members on best new time for calls
  • Lloyd to send out message to implementer's Skype chat looking for implementation committee volunteers
  • Hans to forward draft of standards maturity survey to group for review
  • Review/discussion of FHIR Change Requests
  • Review/discussion of FHIR Profile and IG Balloting
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20150107 FMG concall

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